Children’s Ministry
St. Mark Children’s Ministries is committed to partner with families to help kids grow in Christ; connect with a church family and friends; and inspire them to act out their faith by serving others. Together, we want children and families to benefit from the inspired Word of God, to have a relationship with God, and to grow in Christian fellowship with one another.
Director of Children’s Ministries: Ms. Latisha Gilliland (636) 394-2233 or lgilliland@discoverstmark.org
Children’s Sunday School
Sunday School Sign In/Out
After Time With Children each Sunday morning, your child will give you a Sunday School card with a QR code to sing in. Each card will have a number – you simply register that number as you sign in and return your card as you pick up your child/children.
Sunday school for children PreK – 5th grade takes place during Sunday worship, immediately following Time With Children.
Click Here to watch the February Elementary Sunday School Lessons
Nursery Care, for ages to 2 yrs, is available Sunday mornings from 8:30 am – 11:15 am.