Serving Our Local Community
Circle of Concern
Food Pantry
Isaiah 58 Ministries
Food Pantry
Lafayette Industries
Sheltered Workshop
Mound Ridge
Retreat & Mission Center
Peace Meal Project
Weekly Community Meal
Presbyterian Children’s Home & Services
Children & Families in Crisis
College Student Outreach
Serving Our Global Community
Marion Medical Mission
Clean Water
Medical Benevolence Foundation
Medical Support & Training
PCUSA International Agricultural Missions
Food & Income Security
PCUSA Mission Co-workers
Peru Joining Hands Network – Hunger & Poverty Ministry
PCUSA Nicaragua Plan Grande 2
Secondary School Scholarship Program
Special Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing
Hunger, Disaster, Self-Development of People
Pentecost Offering
Children at Risk, Youth, Young Adults
Peace & Global Witness
Peacemaking & Reconciliation
Thanksgiving Offering
St. Mark Pastor’s Discretionary Assistance Fund
Christmas Joy Offering
Church Leaders – Past, Present, & Future
Please drop off in-kind donations (ie. canned goods, paper products, toiletries, coats and other requested items) when the church office is open or during worship services. St. Mark volunteers make weekly deliveries to our local mission partners.
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer for any of our local mission partners, please contact Joyce Blackwell for more information.
Monetary donations are an immediate way to support those who serve the most vulnerable to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. You may make a monetary donation by sending a check to the St. Mark church office and designate the mission partner(s) on the memo line.
For each of our mission partners, there is an established St. Mark member that acts as a liaison. Not only do we want to be good stewards of our giving, we want to ensure that we are providing meaningful support that matches the specific needs of our mission partners. Mission related activity and support is reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
St. Mark Presbyterian Women is an independent organization and also provides support for mission partners.
With gratitude for your generous support,
Joyce Blackwell, Chris Polak, Mission Committee Co-Chairs
St. Mark Church does not endorse or control the content of pages on external websites.